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添加时间:2024-01-10   浏览次数:544   字体大小:【


1. 多层次社会保障体系

multitiered social security system


译文:We need to develop a fair, unified, sustainable, and multitiered social security system that covers both urban and rural areas and forms a tight-knit safety net for the entire population.

2. 社会保障法治化

law-based governance in social security


译文:We should advance law-based governance in social security. Social security should be strengthened in legislation, law enforcement, judicature, and law observance. Its healthy development should be guided by the rule of law.

3. 社会保障精细化管理

targeted approach to social security management


译文:We should take a more targeted approach to social security management. Aiming for high efficiency in social security governance, improvements should be made to the management and services network at the central, provincial, city, county, and township/subdistrict levels, with greater attention to the precision of management and the quality of services.

4. 公共卫生服务体系

system of public health services


译文:Special emphasis was laid on preventing and controlling serious epidemic diseases and steadily developing the system of public health services.

5. 疾病预防控制体系

disease prevention and control system


译文:The disease prevention and control system is an important guarantee, protecting and safeguarding public health, and maintaining social and economic stability.

6. 重大疫情救治体系

system for medical treatment during major epidemics


译文:We should improve the system for medical treatment during major epidemics. Treatment of Covid-19 patients is a challenging test for our nation’s medical services, developed over the past 40 years since the launch of reform and opening up. It also tests the results of building key medical specialties that have developed over the past 20 years, and the reform of the medicine and healthcare system that has unfolded over the past 10 years.

7. 更加充分、更高质量的就业

fuller and higher-quality employment


译文:We have promoted fuller and higher-quality employment, established the world’s largest education, social security and healthcare systems, and remarkably improved the living environment of our people.

8. 素质教育

well-rounded education


译文:We will develop well-rounded education and promote equal access to education.

9. 优化区域教育资源配置

to optimize the distribution of educational resources across regions


译文:To serve regional development strategies, we will optimize the distribution of educational resources across regions and accelerate the creation of an education model. We must move faster to integrate education across the country, and create an environment in which the eastern region, the central region and the western region progress together in educational development.

10. 全民终身学习推进机制

mechanism to promote lifelong learning for all


译文:We will improve the mechanism to promote lifelong learning for all, and build a more flexible lifelong learning system with richer resources and easier access.

11. 建设体育强国

to build China into a strong sporting nation


译文:We will endeavor to build up the physique and improve the physical fitness and the quality of life of the whole nation. We will fully leverage the important role of sports in advancing well-rounded development of the person. We will continue to boost reform and innovation in promoting sports. We will strengthen research and development in sports science and technology. We will improve public fitness programs and encourage the public and in particular the young people to keep fit through sports. We will promote China’s overall strength and performance in sports, increase its international competitiveness, and redouble our efforts to build China into a strong sporting nation.

12. 共建共治共享的社会治理制度

social governance (system) based on collaboration, participation, and common interests


译文:We must optimize social governance based on collaboration, participation, and common interests, synergize government efforts with public self-regulation and community-level self-governance, and build a community of social governance in which everyone fulfills their responsibilities and shares in the benefits.

13. 基层社会治理

grassroots social governance


译文:We must develop and adopt new approaches to grassroots social governance, and energize all the “cells” of society. Conflicts and disputes should be resolved when they first arise so that harmony and stability can be maintained at the grassroots.

14. 促进社会公平正义

to promote social fairness and justice


译文:Committed to the people-centered philosophy of development in our drive for modernization, we have proactively addressed regional divides, disparities between urban and rural areas, and the gap in income distribution. We have promoted social fairness and justice, worked towards common prosperity for all our people, and stood firmly against polarization between rich and poor.


1. 社会保障发挥着民生保障安全网、收入分配调节器、经济运行减震器的作用,是治国安邦的大问题。

As a social safety net, an income distribution regulator, and an economic shock absorber, social security is of overarching importance to national stability and governance.

2. 经济发展和社会保障是水涨船高的关系,水浅行小舟,水深走大船,违背规律就会搁浅或翻船。

The economy and social security are like water and a boat – shallow water allows for a small boat, and deeper water allows for a larger boat. If this rule is not respected the boat may be swamped, or run aground.

3. 科学谋划“十四五”乃至更长时期社会保障事业。

We should be forward-looking in planning for social security during the 14th Five-year Plan period and beyond.

4. 教育是国之大计、党之大计。

Education is a matter of great significance to the country and the Party.


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