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添加时间:2024-03-06   浏览次数:415   字体大小:【



➤ 国内生产总值增长5.2%

China's gross domestic product expanded 5.2 percent last year.

➤ 粮食产量1.39万亿斤

Grain output reached a record of 695 million metric tons.

➤ 城镇新增就业1244万人

The country created 12.44 million urban jobs in 2023.

➤ 全年新增税费优惠超过2.2万亿元

Additional tax and fee relief measures introduced last year resulted in savings exceeding 2.2 trillion yuan.

➤ 新能源汽车产销量占全球比重超过60%

China accounted for over 60 percent of global electric vehicle output and sales.

➤ 电动汽车、锂电池、光伏产品“新三样”出口增长近30%

There was a 30-percent increase in exports of the “new trio,” namely, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products.


➤ 国内生产总值增长5%左右

GDP growth of around 5 percent

➤ 城镇新增就业1200万人以上

Over 12 million new urban jobs

➤ 居民消费价格涨幅3%左右

CPI increase of around 3 percent

➤ 粮食产量1.3万亿斤以上

Grain output of over 650 million metric tons

➤ 单位国内生产总值能耗降低2.5%左右

A drop of around 2.5 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP


➤ 财政:赤字率拟按3%安排

China has set its ratio of deficit to GDP at 3 percent for 2024.


General public expenditures in the government budget are projected to increase 1.1 trillion yuan over last year. 

➤ 政府投资:拟安排地方政府专项债券3.9万亿元

China will see 3.9 trillion yuan of special-purpose bonds for local governments to be issued in 2024.


This year, 700 billion yuan will be earmarked in the central government budget for investment.

➤ 特别国债:从今年开始拟连续几年发行超长期特别国债,专项用于国家重大战略实施和重点领域安全能力建设,今年先发行1万亿元

China will issue ultra-long special treasury bonds over each of the next several years for the purpose of implementing major national strategies and building up security capacity in key areas, starting with 1 trillion yuan of such bonds this year.

➤ 未来产业:开辟量子技术、生命科学等新赛道

Open up new fields such as quantum technology and life sciences

➤ 数字经济:开展“人工智能+”行动

Launch an AI Plus initiative

➤ 消费:鼓励和推动消费品以旧换新,提振智能网联新能源汽车、电子产品等大宗消费

Encourage and promote consumer goods trade in programs and boost spending on intelligent connected new energy vehicles, electronic products, and other big-ticket items

➤ 住房:加大保障性住房建设和供给,完善商品房相关基础性制度

Scale up the building and supply of government-subsidized housing and improve the basic systems for commodity housing

➤ 就业:要强化促进青年就业政策举措

Do more to promote employment for young people


Improve services and assistance for people in flexible employment based on their type of employment

➤ 乡村振兴:在全国实施三大主粮生产成本和收入保险政策

Implement nationwide full-cost insurance and income insurance for the three main grain crops of rice, wheat, and corn, and improve mechanisms for ensuring the incomes of grain growers


Build more electric vehicle charging facilities, cold chain logistics, and courier delivery facilities

➤ 城镇化:稳步实施城市更新行动

China will steadily advance the urban renewal projects


Resolve problems such as the need to install elevators and parking shortages in old residential compounds.

➤ 教育:开展基础教育扩优提质行动

Launch an initiative to upgrade basic education


Enhance public-interest preschool education

➤ 医保:居民医保人均财政补助标准提高30元

Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will increase by an average of 30 yuan per person.

➤ 社会保障:城乡居民基础养老金月最低标准提高20元

The minimum basic old-age benefits for rural and non-working urban residents will be raised by 20 yuan per month. 


Continue to increase basic pensions for retirees


Implement the private pension system nationwide


Increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels

➤ 开放:全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制措施,放宽电信、医疗等服务业市场准入。

All market access restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing will be abolished, and market access restrictions in services sectors, such as telecommunications and healthcare, will be reduced.


Make it easier for foreign nationals to work, study, and travel in China

➤ 环保:完善支持绿色发展的财税、金融、投资、价格政策和相关市场化机制

Improve fiscal, tax, financial, investment, and pricing policies in support of green development as well as relevant market-based mechanisms


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