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1. 维护党中央权威和集中统一领导

to uphold the authority of the (CPC) Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership


译文:Upholding the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership requires action rather than empty talk.

2. 全面从严治党

full and rigorous internal (Party) governance


译文:Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have shown unprecedented courage and resolve in implementing full and rigorous internal governance.

3. 以伟大自我革命引领伟大社会革命

to guide social transformation with self-reform


译文:We should guide social transformation with self-reform and advance self-reform through social transformation, to ensure that the Party continues to exercise strong leadership in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

4. 跳出历史周期率

to avoid the historical cycle of rise and fall


译文:We have chosen to rely on the Party’s self-reform to avoid the historical cycle of rise and fall.

5. 自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高

(the Party to) cleanse, improve, renew and temper itself


译文:We must establish a system of rules and regulations that provide an institutional guarantee and help the Party to cleanse, improve, renew and temper itself.

6. 党的政治建设

to reinforce the Party’s political foundations


译文:Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have made an all-out effort to reinforce the Party’s political foundations, improve the systems for upholding the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership, and consolidate the unity of the Party.

7. 党内政治生活

internal Party activities


译文:When we have problems to solve or decisions to make at work, we must first and foremost consider them from the political perspective – checking against the Party Constitution, regulations on internal Party activities, and Party disciplinary regulations to see what we should do or are allowed to do before taking action.

8. 新时代党的组织路线

the Party’s organizational guideline/line for the new era


译文:Only with a tight-knit organizational system where Party units at all levels are well-developed, well-functioning, closely connected, and competent in policy implementation can the Party exercise effective leadership, just as the brain directs the arms and the arms employ the fingers. This is why we emphasize that priority should be given to strengthening the organizational system in implementing the Party’s organizational guideline for the new era.

9. 党的组织建设

to strengthen the Party’s organizations


译文:The fundamental purpose of strengthening the Party’s organizations is to uphold and improve overall Party leadership and provide a strong guarantee for advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

10. 新时代党的创新理论

the Party’s innovative theories for the new era


译文:We need to gain a deeper understanding of the Party’s innovative theories for the new era.

11. 党的性质宗旨

the Party’s nature and purpose


译文:The campaign will help CPC members better understand the Party’s nature and purpose, and maintain its distinctive features as a Marxist party.

12. 党的先进性和纯洁性

the Party’s progressive and wholesome nature


译文:We must root out any elements that would harm the Party’s progressive and wholesome nature and any viruses that would erode its health.

13. 中国共产党人的精神谱系

a long line of inspiring principles for China’s Communists


译文:Over the past hundred years, the Party has carried forward this great founding spirit. Through its protracted struggles, it has developed a long line of inspiring principles for China’s Communists and tempered a distinct political character.

14. 在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致

to keep in line with the Central Committee in thinking, action and political orientation


译文:All Party members should keep in line with the Central Committee in thinking, action and political orientation, to ensure that the whole Party pulls together towards the same goal with one mind.

15. 政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力

ability to provide political leadership and theoretical guidance and to organize and inspire the people


译文:We in the Party organizations at all levels should continue to strengthen our ability to provide political leadership and theoretical guidance and to organize and inspire the people. We can thus rally all the people closely around the Party.

16. 学史明理、学史增信、学史崇德、学史力行

to study Party history for deeper understanding, firmer commitment, greater integrity, and stronger action


译文:The CPC Central Committee has set clear guidelines in its notice to launch this education campaign, requiring Party members to study Party history for deeper understanding, firmer commitment, greater integrity, and stronger action.

17. 掌握党和国家事业发展的历史主动

to steer the course of the Party and the state


译文:The campaign will help Party members to better understand the general laws and trends of history and steer the course of the Party and the state. History indeed has its laws, but this does not mean that people are completely passive. 

18. 党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争

drive to improve Party conduct, build clean government, and combat corruption


译文:We are engaged in an ongoing drive to improve Party conduct, build clean government, and combat corruption. We must take resolute and sustained action to win this prolonged battle in the spirit of “leaving our mark in the steel we grasp and our print on the stone we tread”, so that our Party will maintain its political integrity.

19. 党性

commitment to the Party


译文:We Communists should temper our mind and character, integrating our learning, thinking and practice, and seeking unity between what we learn, what we believe in, and what we do. The main goal for Party members and officials is to consolidate their ideals and convictions and strengthen their commitment to the Party.

20. 坚定理想信念

firm ideals and convictions


译文:How Party members and officials think and act is determined by whether they hold firm ideals and convictions, or pursue personal gain and selfish desires.

21. 纠“四风”

to correct the Four Forms of Official Misconduct


译文:The Eight Rules must be reinforced to correct the Four Forms of Official Misconduct – form over substance, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance – and foster healthy and positive practices.

22. 不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐

to ensure that our officials dare not, cannot, and will not engage in corruption


译文:We must be resolute in the battle against corruption and succeed in our strategic goal of ensuring that our officials dare not, cannot, and will not engage in corruption.


1. 壹引其纲,万目皆张。

As long as the fundamental principles are upheld, all work will fall in place.

2. 贤良之士众,则国家之治厚;贤良之士寡,则国家之治薄。If a country has a huge pool of talent, good governance is ensured; otherwise, poor governance is unavoidable.3. 褚小者不可以怀大,绠短者不可以汲深。

A small bag cannot hold large things; a short rope cannot reach a deep well.

4. 学所以益才也,砺所以致刃也。

Through learning we improve ability, as through the whetstone knives are honed.

5. 不私,而天下自公。Selflessness in governance creates social equity.6. 我们党没有任何自己特殊的利益,这是我们党敢于自我革命的勇气之源、底气所在。Our Party has no interests of its own – this is the source of our courage and strength in self-reform.

7. 中国共产党始终代表最广大人民根本利益,与人民休戚与共、生死相依。

The Party has always represented the fundamental interests of all Chinese people; it stands with them in the best and the hardest of times and shares a common destiny with them. 

8. 我们党来自人民、植根人民、服务人民。Our Party comes from the people, has its roots among the people, and is dedicated to serving the people.9. 民心是最大的政治。

The people’s support is of paramount importance in governance.

10. 不得罪成百上千的腐败分子,就要得罪14亿人民。If we let a few hundred corrupt officials slip through the cracks, we are letting down all 1.4 billion Chinese people.11. 旗帜鲜明讲政治、保证党的团结和集中统一是党的生命,也是我们党能成为百年大党、创造世纪伟业的关键所在。Taking a clear political stance and ensuring the Party’s unity and solidarity are its lifeblood and the key to its historic successes over the past century. 12. 一个民族要走在时代前列,就一刻不能没有理论思维,一刻不能没有思想指引。

Theoretical thinking and guidance are pivotal for a nation to be ahead of the times.

13. 马克思主义深刻改变了中国,中国也极大丰富了马克思主义。Marxism has profoundly changed the course of China’s history, which has in turn developed and enriched Marxism.14. 我们党的历史,就是一部不断推进马克思主义中国化的历史,就是一部不断推进理论创新、进行理论创造的历史。

The Party’s history embodies an ongoing process of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and exploring innovative theories and ideas.

15. 我们党之所以伟大,不在于不犯错误,而在于从不讳疾忌医,敢于直面问题,勇于自我革命。

Ours is a great party not because we do not make mistakes, but because we never conceal mistakes. We face up to them and reform ourselves.

16. 不断提高治国理政能力和水平,从最坏处着眼,做最充分的准备,朝好的方向努力,争取最好的结果。

While building up our governance capacity, we must have plans in place for the worst possible scenarios as we strive for the best results.

17. 中国共产党成立一百年来,始终是有崇高理想和坚定信念的党。这个理想信念,就是马克思主义信仰、共产主义远大理想、中国特色社会主义共同理想。Since its founding a hundred years ago, the CPC has always possessed lofty ideals and firm convictions. These are its belief in Marxism, in the long-term goal of communism, and in the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics.18. 理想信念是共产党人精神上的“钙”,共产党人如果没有理想信念,精神上就会“缺钙”,就会得“软骨病”。Ideals and convictions are as essential for a Communist as calcium is for bones. Without this compound they will be deficient in mind. The core of their being will suffer.19. 兼听则明、偏听则暗,能听到不同声音不是坏事,经过多次“否定之否定”的过程,进行的思考、作出的决策才能符合实际。

Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be ill-informed. It is not a bad thing to hear conflicting voices. Only through several rounds of negating the negation can our ideas and decisions reflect reality.

20. 共产党人任何时候都要有不信邪、不怕鬼、不当软骨头的风骨、气节、胆魄。More than ever, Communists should have backbone, integrity and the courage to overcome any fear and any evil.


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